Functional Testing

TestMagic™ for Functional Testing means "No Lurking Bugs"

TestMagicTM is one of its kind Test Automation platform which supports end-to-end functional testing of various enterprise applications such as packaged COTS applications, mainframes, desktop, web applications, APIs, databases and various file formats.

Functional Testing checkpoint of TestMagic™ includes:

  • Mainline end-to-end functionality
  • Basic usability
  • Accessibility
  • Error conditions
Perfromance Testing

Drive Agility to your application by performance testing with TestMagic™

Have you ever done any performance testing without writing any code or script?. Sounds amazing right!

It is possible with TestMagicTM

TestMagicTM uncovers the obstructions that make the application inefficient. It reveals all those parameters that hinder the user from completely utilizing an application. TestmagicTM makes use of existing automated cases to test the application’s performance with real end-to-end workflows in terms of speed, response time, reliability, resources usage and scalability.

Security Testing

Now run automated security tests just like you would do unit tests or integration tests

With TestMagicTM like for functional and performance testing, you can also perform security testing. Again, without any coding or separate efforts required to automate the security testing. You can simply execute security testing with the aid of functional test cases.

This means automation flow created for functional testing can be reused for security testing of web applications, web services etc., in a CI/CD pipeline.

Isn’t this unique and straight!

TestMagic in Action

Explore how TestMagic™ can be used for your end-to-end testing needs.